What is the reason the dogs take cat puke? It’s probably among the most disgusting pet-related thing you can do. But, most canines have been guilty at one point or another. Some pets appear to be fascinated by cat waste and want it whenever they can!
It’s normal for pet owners to be pretty upset at this behavior; however, if we determine why cats eat cat waste, it could be possible to figure out why this happens and perhaps even change it.
The Science Behind Why Dogs Eat Cat Poop
To our displeasure, many dogs love eating any Poop and Poop. This is a natural behavior and is part of their nature. This is why canines eat all sorts of items: trash, carpet, stones, and even many other things. Poop from cats is another food item that can be found and eaten.

If you think it smells disgusting when you eat cat poop and smells awful, it smells like cat food for your pet. Because cat food is akin to dogs’ sensual senses, many dogs are fond of eating cat food, which is one reason why they’re always ready to have a snack from their litter boxes.
The habit of eating Poop, also known as coprophagia, could be caused by a diet deficit. Still, in most cases, it’s the result of exploration, which could become a harmful habit. The Merck Vet Manual states, “as part of exploratory behavior, many dogs are attracted to and may ingest feces, compost, and prey (dead or live).” Furthermore, the expected behavior of mothers of dogs is to consume the urine and feces of newborn puppies.
Is It Normal For Dogs To Eat Cat Poop?
It’s perfectly normal for dogs to consume Poop of any kind, not just the Poop generated by the cat in the family. The action of eating Poop is so standard it has even an official name in science – coprophagia.
All dogs have had an ounce of cat poop at some time or another. If you believe your pet hasn’t, you likely haven’t seen them do the moment! We may find the idea that we eat cat waste disgusting. However, your dog does not.
When they were puppies, the Mom dog would lick the pups clean and ingest fecal matter. This helped in supplying the intestines of the canines with the bacteria that it required to begin digesting food properly. The dog’s mother consumes some of their Poop while she cleans them up; thus, dogs are conditioned to consider eating Poop acceptable and expected behavior.
Reasons Why Dogs Eat Cat Poop
There are two primary types of reasons that dogs consume excrement. Most cases are due to behavioral reasons; however, there are some medical reasons too.
Behavioral Reasons
Eating feces is a habit in most dogs (and maybe even the majority). Some canines appear to like eating it. This could be a difficult habit to end. Your dog is an incentive to do something they love every time they can access their “prize” (a dirty litter box), which is why they’re inspired to attempt it next time. Like us, who grab potato chips in the bag even knowing it’s not an optimum food choice, dogs are enticed to the litter box, even knowing they’re not supposed to.
Boredom is a different reason why puppies begin eating their feces. Because they travel the world through their mouths, and their litter pans are no exception. Then they discover a tasty treat there, and they keep returning. Dogs involved in many playtimes and spend a lot of time exercising with their loved ones tend to be less likely to be affected by coprophagia.
Another reason that isn’t obvious to dogs who begin to eat the feces of their owners is when they’ve had an incident in the house. If you’ve punished your dog in a particular manner (even with a scold or shouting), they’ll likely be punished for their mistake, which is why some dogs conceal their evidence and eat the feces. This is why it is essential to use positive toilet training methods and never penalize your pet for accidents. When they realize they enjoy the smell of feces, The problem can extend to the litterbox.
Additionally, certain dogs are prone to eating feces during moments of stress. Like people with comfort food, dogs go back to things they love as puppies to alleviate anxiety. In some dogs, this could include coprophagy.
Underlying Medical Issues
Numerous medical issues that may be underlying could also make a dog enticed to consume cat Poop. Intestinal parasites, poor digestion, and different hormonal or endocrine issues are all possible causes of coprophagia. Coprophagia could result from thiamine and pancreatic deficiencies, malabsorption issues, and starvation.3
These conditions can cause dogs to have difficulty digesting their food, which could cause an abundance of food particles not digested to end up within their stool. Because a dog isn’t digesting their food, their pet’s appetite isn’t satisfied, which can lead them to consume Poop out of desperation.
This is not a common reason for coprophagia. However, it’s something to be aware of, as these health issues can create many risks to your dog’s health. If you suspect your pet is eating cat waste because of a medical problem, it is best to take them to the vet as quickly as possible to receive the appropriate treatment.
Is Cat Poop Harmful For Dogs?
Some risks come with eating cat urine. It may contain pathogens like Salmonella as well as E.coli. Some of these could cause your dog to become sick, and some can be carried by your pet and later be passed on to you. In addition, your cat could be taking medications that have been excreted into the Poop, and it could cause harm for your dog. Cat feces could contain intestinal parasites, such as worms, that can be transmitted to your pet.

This can be a much bigger problem if the Poop gets covered with cat litter. If eaten in large amounts, cat litter (mainly that clumps cats’ litter) can cause intestinal obstructions for dogs.
How To Prevent Coprophagia In Dogs
Now that we’ve addressed the question, “why does my dog always eat cat poop?” Let’s talk about the next issue how you can stop your pet from eating cat Poop. The process of controlling your dog from eating cat poop can be a hard habit to change; however, it is essential for your dog’s overall health.
Here are a few ways you can avoid coprophagia in dogs:
Check Your Dog’s Diet
This is an excellent first step. You must ensure that your dog is eating an appropriate and healthy diet. Commercial dog food with the right amount can be a good alternative. If you’ve discussed with your vet, it is possible to change your dog’s diet to a diet that is more appropriate to their specific requirements. This could include the case with a higher protein food for work dogs as well as a special diet for senior dogs. If your dog is suffering from an upset stomach after having eaten cat waste, then you may be interested in the food suitable for dogs with digestive issues.
Insist your dog in adopting an eating routine that is slowly making use of a slow-eating bowl for dogs or the treat dispenser for kibble. This will stop them from having the urge to gobble up anything (including Poop) they come across.
Move The Litter Box
Your pet may have been prone to eating cat poop because your cat’s litter box is in a location they can reach. To help stop this habit, relocate the litter box to an area where the dog cannot get quickly.5 Pet parents should raise the litter box so their cat can access it.
Also, make sure that the litter box is free of Poop. If there’s no poop inside the box, then it’s not going to be a good thing for your pet to eat, and they’ll soon not feel the urge to consume pee. Try to clean your litter box each when your cat has to go to the bathroom. Self-cleaning litter boxes ensure that the cat’s bowl is clean and free of feces.
Check for Intestinal Parasites and Illness
Visit your veterinarian. Determine if there are medical reasons for the behavior. Take care to treat your pet regularly with intestinal parasites.
Keep Your Dog Occupied
Your dog should have plenty of enjoyable alternatives to digging in the cat litter bowl. Please provide them with plenty of mental and physical stimulation through training and games.
Talk To Your Vet
After the day, your veterinarian will be able to give you the most accurate solution to stop your pet from eating cat poop. Your vet can identify any medical conditions that may be causing the problem and spot behavioral issues, and formulate strategies to avoid coprophagia. Before you take the matter to your own, it’s an excellent idea to speak with your doctor first.
Spend Time Exercising & Engaging With Your Dog
Lack of supervision and boredom are the leading causes of coprophagia. To prevent your dog from becoming bored, be sure to play with them for a long time. Your dog. Be sure they’re getting enough physical and mental stimulation and social interaction to ensure that they aren’t overwhelmed and compelled to develop practices such as coprophagia. Engaging in activities and exercising with your dog is good for overall health.
Final Words on Why Dogs Eat Poop…
Consuming cat poop is an expected, though disgusting, habit your dog can do. It’s because they can, and it smells and tastes delicious. However, if it becomes routine, it could indicate something is wrong, and you need to talk to your veterinarian about it.
However, many things could be done to help you stop the habit with exercise, diet, and physical obstacles. Best of luck!