Wake Forest University is located in Winston-Salem, NC, and provides classes online. The school offers instruction in 30 different qualifications, including the top-rated qualification included being Master of Business Administration (MBA), the Bachelor’s Degree and the Teaching Certification. The time required to complete this training ranges from two hours to four years, depending on the level of qualification that you choose to pursue, with a median time to finish of three years. The cost of attending Wake Forest University ranges from $100 to $200,000 based on the degree, with a median cost of $60,000. If asked how they paid for their education, most reviewers replied, “I paid for it myself.”
Wake Forest University Graduate Starting Salary
The following are the average starting salary by majors for Wake Forest University alums. Wake Forest University.
Median starting salaries of alumni
- biology and biomedical sciences
- Business, administrative, marketing and related support services
- Communications, Journalism, and Related Programs
- English and Literature/Letters
- Foreign Languages, Literature, and Linguistics
Wake Forest University 2022-2023 Rankings
Wake Forest University is ranked #29 among the 443 National Universities. Schools are evaluated based on performance against a set of commonly accepted indicators of excellence.
29th national university (tie)
21 (tied) for best undergraduate education
23 in Best Value Schools