“That wasn’t very cash money” is a phrase printed on numerous pictures. It is a reference to things that aren’t “cool” (“cash” is cold, and”hard money” means cold).
season 2014, the primary persona Sayaka Miki of the Japanese television show Puella Magi Madoka Magica wore sunglasses and spoke about the phrase.
In September of 2018, an internet meme featured the fictional creature Godzilla wearing sunglasses and saying the word.

What does that wasn’t a lot of cash of You refer to?
This wasn’t precisely cash of you, and it’s an internet meme paired with a sketch depicting the fictional persona Sayaka Miki of the Puella Magi Madoka Magica franchise.
It’s a variant of the expression “that wasn’t very cool of you.”
“That wasn’t very cash money of you” was made into a meme that could be exploited featuring various characters with sunglasses saying the line.
That was not a lot of cash for You is a catchy phrase connected to a sketch depicting the figure Sayaka Miki in Puella Magi Madoka Magica sporting sunglasses. The expression uses “cash” to mean “cool.” The image was made into an exploitable, in which other characters use this phrase. The word is coupled with different characters, typically sporting sunglasses.
What was the reason that That Wasn’t Very Money Money of You spread?
People copying the image with different characters, paired with sunglasses and the catchy phrase and sunglasses, have spread the internet.
“That wasn’t very cash money of you” would be seen across Twitter, Deviant Art as well as Urban Dictionary in 2015.
A different version of the format began appearing in Reddit’s subreddit /dankmemes in 2018 and paired it with a photo of Godzilla.
For more information and assistance, visit the following websites.
That Wasn’t Very Cash Money of You | Know Your Meme
that wasn’t very cash money of you – Urban Dictionary
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=that wasn’t very cash money of you
That Wasn’t Very Cash Money of You – Memes – SlangLang
What does it mean when somebody says ‘that wasn’t very …
“Cash money”: cool or dead or both? – Language Log
Where does the “That wasn’t very cash money of you … – Reddit
That’s Wasn’t Very Cash Money Of You Shirt – Amazon.com
That Wasn’t Very Cash Money Of You Pullovers | LookHUMAN