It’s possible to get only a few likes or none on your Facebook posts if you’re beginning to use it or if your company page is brand new. The more participation is, the more people are attracted to your post. To avoid offending prospective customers and followers, you may want to conceal the number of people who like your Facebook pages or bars because they could be low.
This means that people will be more focused on your worth instead of the amount of engagement you have. This strategy of building connections works for a variety of Facebook influencers. Additionally, it’s one of the ways to minimize your online footprint. This article will explain how to block likes you receive on your business Facebook pages and posts.
Why Should You Hide Your Likes on Facebook?
If you are a fan of a post, it’s common to expect the person whose article you enjoyed to be able to know that you did. Public pages are different because anyone who’s an acquaintance or visiting your Profile will be able to view your interests. It’s straightforward for anyone to get data about you about your preferences.
Brands could use your preferences to promote targeted ads, and cyberbullies could attack your reputation based on what you are fond of. It’s best to keep your personal information private and stay clear of this when you feel that the public display of your activities violates your privacy. It’s good to know that Facebook provides features that can make it easier to hide your likings for your pages and your reactions. You can quickly cover the number of comments to your posts using the Facebook mobile application.
How do you hide your Likes on Facebook? Your posts
Are you considering trying out this brand-new feature? If so, it’s simple to set up. Three easy steps to concealing the like count of any Facebook post:
Step 1: Visit your personal Facebook Page, then click the icon for your Profile in the top-right corner of the Page. In the drop-down menu, select “Settings & Privacy” and then select “Settings.” You can follow the same steps to create your Profile should you be interested in trying it in the privacy of your own Facebook account.
Second step: When you are on the “Settings” dashboard, click on the “Privacy” button from the left-hand side on the right. This will show all privacy settings. From here, you can modify your privacy settings to include Page information, tagging actions, blocking, and messaging.
Step 3: On the left-hand side, choose “Reaction preferences” at the lower right. You can then toggle the option to block the number of comments on your posts.
Then your posts won’t show the number of comments you’ve received. If you’re ready to indicate the number of likes in the future, you’ll have to follow the same steps above and then turn off this feature.
How to hide likes on Facebook Hide Likes on Page
You can also block Facebook pages you’ve liked. This feature isn’t available on the mobile application, but you’ll have to utilize your desktop-based version of Facebook. The process is still relatively simple. Here’s how.
1. Start Facebook on your desktop first, then navigate to your Profile and click More.
2. Choose ‘Likes’ in the drop-down menu.
3. Click the submenu icon to the right. It’s the bottom of the three dots buttons. Click to edit the privacy of your likes.
4. It will display a list of categories. The globe symbol is next to the type that is a page or Pages you wish to conceal your likes for. For example, if you’d like to cover the world where you enjoyed pages about Taylor Swift, you’d click the globe icon next to Music.
5. Click Only Me. This means no one else can know if you’ve liked a Page within that category. However, you can let your friends view your Page Likes but not make them visible to the world.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any other categories that you would like to keep private, then close the tab.
Disable Facebook Like Counts on the Web
If you use Facebook using a desktop internet browser, this tutorial can enable you to hide your likes on Facebook. Facebook website. These are the steps that you must adhere to.
1. Go to Facebook (website link) and click on the arrow icon in the top right corner. Then, click “Settings & privacy”.
2. Then, click “News Feed preferences”.
3. When the Page opens, go to the bottom of the Page and hit “Reaction preferences”.
4. Now, you can enable those toggles to “On your posts” and “On posts from others”. This will block likes for your posts and others’ posts on Facebook.
How to block likes on the Facebook application
To hide reactions to your content (or videos and photos) on the mobile device It’s the same process but with a different method of getting there.
This is the method to block likes on the Facebook application:
Launch the Facebook application.
Choose the hamburger menu at the upper right (three lines and dots).
Choose the gear/settings icon on the screen’s right side.
Within”preferences,” in the “Preferences” section, select “Reaction Preferences”.
Under the “On your posts” section, switch on the slide to an”on” setting (it will be in blue).
Other Restriction Options
You can select different limitations on each Page in similar categories, but the reality is that, as we said before, it’s impossible to conceal your love for particular pages. It’s all or nothing in every category.
Facebook may implement more specific privacy settings for likings, and then you’ll be able to conceal the fact that you enjoy certain things like Shi Tzu puppies dressed in 18th-century clothing. However, until Facebook introduces this feature, you’re required to display all of your odd likes or hide all of them.
Facebook is well-known for making radical changes to how the privacy of your account is handled. It’s an excellent idea to look over your settings to determine whether your privacy settings have had your privacy settings changed or if you’ve been “opted in” to something you do not wish to be a part of. Make sure you are aware of Facebook privacy settings or look into creating a Facebook Page private.
Wrapping Up
One day Facebook will implement more specific privacy controls for friends, allowing you to cover up your love of water polo or are cat-loving instead of a dog lover. However, until that day arrives, we’re all bound to use the tools that Facebook provides us.
Do you have concerns, knowledge, tips or tricks for hiding liked posts on Facebook? Tell us about it in the comments section below!