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how to enable screen sharing on mac

    I was at a Google Meet session with clients. “OK, go ahead and present your screen,” I told them. I stood there for a while. Nothing. No screen sharing happened. They received a prompt (Figure A) to modify permissions, but they weren’t sure which option to take. Then we looked at other issues without screen sharing.

    About a week after, it occurred again. I was part of a Google Meet session with different individuals, and they also had a difficult time presenting.

    In both instances, the person who wanted to give a presentation using Google Meet on a Mac had to alter one macOS security setting. The setting was not straightforward for the presenter to locate and modify quickly, particularly during the meeting.

    How can I enable screen recording for Chrome on macOS?

    1. Choose your Apple option (in the top left-hand corner).

    2. Choose System Preferences (Figure B).

    Figure B

    Screenshot with arrows that point towards the Apple Menu (upper left) and System Preferences menu item.

    Choose on the Apple Menu, then System Preferences.

    3. Select Security & Privacy (Figure C).

    Figure C

    Screenshot including an icon for Security & Privacy icon circled.

    Select Security & Privacy.

    4. It is possible that you need to unlock it before changing settings. Choose your Lock (Figure D, located in the left lower corner). Then an alert and message will appear. Log in using TouchID or your account administrator’s name and password.

    Figure D

    Screenshots of the Security and Privacy screen show an arrow leading towards the Lock icon on the left lower.

    Choose the Lock that allows modifications, and then sign in via TouchID or an admin login and password.

    5. Be sure that the Privacy option is turned on (from the tab at the uppermost list of possibilities), Then scroll down until you can choose Screen Recording (from the left menu).

    6. In the box to the left, move the cursor until Chrome appears, and then click the option to enable the sharing of screens (Figure E).

    Figure E

    Screenshot, with arrows that point towards Screen Recording (left-side menu) and Google Chrome in the list of apps on the right.

    Select Screen Recording, select it and then click the checkbox next to Google Chrome (to the right).

    7. If Chrome is in the process of opening, you could be informed that the settings will be put into effect only when Chrome closes (Figure F). Select later or quit and reopen. I recommend Quit & Reopen.

    Figure F

    When Google Chrome is running, You’ll have to shut it down and restart it before you begin your presentation. (When Chrome is restarted, you’ll have to join the Google Meet session and if you were engaged in a session when you changed your settings.)

    8. Click Lock (in the corner to your left) to lock your settings.

    Once you’ve made these modifications, you can present via Google Meet in Chrome on your Mac. When you’re in a meeting, choose Present Now. Click on the Present Now icon (which displays the shape of a box, with an arrow pointed upwards within it) at the bottom of the screen. Select from three choices: Your entire screen, a Window, or a Tab.

    Disable Remote Management

    macOS includes the Remote Management feature that lets you control your Mac on other devices using Apple Remote Desktop. Apple Remote Desktop app. You can’t simultaneously turn on each of “Screen Sharing” and “Remote Management” on macOS. This is because Remote Management is the Remote Management tool in charge on behalf of Screen Sharing. Screen Sharing service.

    If you do not use Apple Remote Desktop, you can’t use it. Apple Remote Desktop app, disable remote management to ensure that you can share the screen of your MacBook.

    Select Settings > Share. Then select Remote Management.

    Systems Preferences > Sharing, and select Remote Management.

    Then, go to the screen Sharing and see if you can now connect to your Mac’s screen from other devices.

    How can I view the screen on another Mac?

    Before you begin, ensure that the Mac you want to view has screen sharing enabled according to the video tutorial above.

    The following steps are:

    Start a search window. On the left side of the menu, there’s a section labeled “Shared”; you can view any computers available in the network. If you don’t see anything here, place your cursor over the shared section, and the button labeled “show” will appear, click it, and you’ll be able to see all the available computers. See this image.

    Double-click on the computer screen you wish to view.

    When you click on your computer, you want to view the A bar screen that appears at the top of the Finder window. It has buttons to share screen and connect to. Hit the share screen icon

    Screen sharing will be initiated if both computers are connected to the same Apple ID. If not, you’ll have to fill in the username and password of the person who has the right to share the screen on the Mac. (We discussed how to do this in the above section) or you can ask for permission to share the screen when the computer you are communicating with allows the feature.

    If someone already connects with the Mac as a remote user, the dialog will ask whether you want to share your screen with another user or log in with another user name and screen.

    Note: If you select login, You can share your Mac as remote users. However, you will not share the same screen.

    Setting a Mac to Allow Screen Sharing

    To get the most effective results, ensure you’ve updated the latest version of your Mac operating system with the most current version and installed the most current version of the browser you are using (e.g., Chrome, Safari, etc.).

    macOS 12 (Monterey) and Safari

    If Safari is your default browser and you are using it to share video content, You must use Safari’s Websites preferences to enable the option to share your screen.

    Open the email invitation, then hit “Start eVisit.”

    When Safari is open, on the top menu, click Preferences and then click Websites.

    In the left-hand panel, Select Screen Sharing.

    In the Currently Open Websites panel on the right, click the drop-down field beside and select Ask.

    How can you connect Your Mac screen with different types of devices?

    While you can use VNC to connect your screen to non-macOS devices, utilizing a third-party screen-sharing application is far more efficient. Many of these are cross-platform, meaning you can connect your Mac’s screen to users of Windows, Linux, iOS, or Android and other Mac users.

    They work via the internet and the local networks, which means you can share screen sharing with anyone around the globe.

    Popular screen-sharing tools from third-party vendors for Mac

    Zoom: Offering powerful privacy features, high connectivity speeds, and quality, Zoom has become the most popular name within the past few years. By pressing the Share Screen button, you can also share your screen during an online Zoom conference.

    TeamViewer: The most popular Mac screen sharing program, TeamViewer, maybe the most user-friendly and accessible base version. For sharing your screens, give your receiver your unique password and ID number that it generates for each session.

    Use Together: This screen-sharing application lets you use multiple mouse cursors simultaneously. This makes it perfect for artists and developers who collaborate with other users.

    Skype: Although it is mainly known as a VoIP application, this Microsoft-owned program lets users share screens. Click the share button in an audio call to activate it.

    Get Support and Work Remotely on a Mac

    The easiest method to get assistance with a Mac computer issue can be to send your screen using iMessage. The built-in Screen Sharing functionality in macOS is an excellent solution if you are on a local network. SharePlay within FaceTime is also helpful, as you don’t need to lose control over your Mac.

    If you’re stuck, you’ll be able to seek help through a Windows, iPhone, or Android user using TeamViewer or another remote access application.

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