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How To Boot Lenovo in Safe Mode

    If you’d like to boot on your Lenovo notebook in safe mode, Windows 10, be able to access the BIOS or restore from a backup file using a risk-free approach; all of these are possible by browsing options in the Advanced Startup Option Food selection. There are many ways to explore the Advanced Startup option based on how fast the boot process is. This post will focus on the steps to start Your Lenovo notebook in safe mode Windows 10.

    The old method was used to switch into safe mode by pressing and restarting the personal computer with F8 isn’t compatible with PCs that run Windows 10.

    The Different Types of Safe Modes and When to Use Them

    There are three kinds of options for safe modes that are available on Advanced Boot Options. We’ve briefly discussed them in the following paragraphs.

    The Safe Mode feature: Windows begins with the minimum set of drivers and files. Connectivity to networks is also disabled.

    The Safe Mode option with network connectivity: Windows begins with basic drivers and the network drivers needed for connection to networks or the Internet. Wi-Fi connectivity isn’t accessible when operating in Safe Mode.

    Safety Mode using Command Prompt: For advanced users who wish to use the Command Prompt in safe mode and don’t require the Windows GUI.

    Options for Microsoft Windows 10

    Two safe methods are risk-free: safe settings and security settings that use social networks. They’re similar; however, the secure method with social networks has the system’s drivers and methods to connect to the Internet and other computers in the system. They are the ones that show how to start the computer in a secure environment.

    Use the Shift button and Restart button simultaneously.

    The next step is to switch to safe mode by setting.

    Go to a safe mood by using the sign on the screen.

    Every time you restart your computer, your windows warn you to is set to boot in safe mode by pressing the Windows key + R

    Start your Lenovo laptop in safe mode windows 10

    Therefore, let’s look into each of the options above.

    Hit the Shift button, then press the Restart button simultaneously.

    Press your windows button and hold the X button exactly simultaneously.

    Press the shift key when you click the restart button to make the sign-out options or close down your computer.

    Select one of these options.


    Advanced options

    Menu to start up


    When you restart your PC, You will be presented with various options on your screen. You can select the 4th option or F4 buttons to follow the on-screen instructions to ensure your computer is operating in safe mode. For full-function use, you need to press the 5 or F5 buttons to access online safely.

    The next step is to switch to safe mode by setting.

    Press the Windows key + I button to access the system’s settings. If the settings don’t function properly, click the Windows logo in the screen’s left corner. Click settings.

    Click on the security and updates menu and then press the recovery button.

    Below the heading “Advance start up,” select”Restart now “Restart now” option.

    When the computer starts up, then, on-screen “Choose an option screen”, follow these steps.


    Advanced option

    Settings for startup


    Once you have restarted your gadget, you’ll see a choices menu. To access the safe mode, you hit the F4 or 4 buttons. To access the Internet in and secure way, press the F5 or 5 buttons.

    Afterwards, go into a safe mood by signing in to the screen.

    Before anything else, you must restart your laptop or PC. As soon as you see the”sign-in screen, hold the shift key to lower it, select power, and reboot.

    When the PC is connected to the selected option, there will be an option screen.


    Advanced options

    Settings for startup


    As in earlier methods, you’ll find various options when you start your computer. Press 4 or F4 to restart it using only safe mode, and press five or F5 to begin the laptop securely and Internet with networking options.

    Press the Windows button plus (Windows key + R) (force Windows to start into safe mode when rebooting your PC).

    Important: To complete these steps, you must be connected to a keyboard that can be detachable.

    Press the Windows Key + R.

    Enter MSConfig into the dialogue box.

    Choose from the Boot tab.

    Choose the “Safe” Boot option, then click Apply.

    Select Restart and apply changes as soon as the window System Configuration appears.

    Note: After you’ve completed Safe Mode, go back into Safe Mode and undo this Secure Boot option.

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