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How To Add And Use Arcane Bot On Discord

    Arcane is a 24-hour automated leveling system that does various tasks. It can award points to users and then rate them based on the level of their achievement. In this blog, we’ll talk about it further and also discuss ways it can be added to Arcane bots to Discord.

    The benefits of the use of Arcane Bot to level and moderate

    Utilizing Arcane Bot has several important advantages.

    • It has auto-moderation that frees users from the responsibilities of running your server. Set the parameters, and it moderates according to your requirements. The bot can also moderate vocal channels and block people who are trying to get additional XP through Away From Keyboard (Away from Keyboard) or activating mute, deaf, or even idling.
    • SeArcane Bot offers a leveling system for users that ranks them according to their activities in Discord. Members earn points and are above their respective roles, which can eventually lead to moderated levels or other roles. The system encourages active involvement and promotes an active community.
    • Arcane Bot allows you to develop custom commands, giving you greater control over the functions of your server. You could even create notifications for YouTube videos to increase your viewers and followers.

    What are the main features of the Arcane bot?

    Let’s discuss certain features that are available in Arcane bot.

    Customized Commands: With the aid of The Arcane bot, you can design customized commands.

    Auto-moderation: You can define rules and then instruct the bot to make auto-moderation according to the guidelines that you’ve set.

    Rewards for Role: Arcane provides free rewards to role players on all servers. It is possible to set roles so that you gain XPs.

    The Voice Channel Arcane is equipped with speech levels and permits you to silence the deaf and idle users, as well as those who have no voice.

    How to Add Arcane Bot on Discord

    Step 1: Invite the Bot to Your Server

    The first step to add the Arcane Bot to your server is to go to the official site of the Arcane Bot.

    You can find out more about the features of the bot as well as read the FAQs. You can also discover the invitation link for the bot on your server.

    If you visit the Arcane Bot website, look for the “Add to Discord” button.

    By clicking on it, you will be able to generate an invite link, which you can use to connect the bot to your server.

    Be aware that you have connected to your Discord account through your web browser before clicking the link.

    When you’ve created your invite link, you’ll go through several prompts to allow the bot and then select the server you’d like to connect it to.

    Following these steps, ensure that you have granted your bot the permissions it needs to operate properly.

    You’ve now added Arcane Bot to your servers.

    Step 2: Set Up Arcane Bot

    After the Arcane Bot has been installed and running on your server, then it is necessary to set the prefix.

    The prefix is the word you write before entering a command (such as “/”) to notify the bot to know that you’ve given it a request). As a default, the prefix of Arcane is “/,” “/”. However, you can modify it however you’d prefer.

    Arcane Bot has a wide range of commands that permit users to customize and control the functionality of Arcane Bot.

    It is important to become familiar with these commands so you get the most out of the Arcane Bot adventure.

    The complete listing of commands on the Arcane Bot website or by entering “/help” on the console of your Discord server.

    Arcane Bot comes with a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to monitor and analyze the server’s information.

    You can access your user’s activity logs, set up rules for auto-moderation, atomize rewards for roles, and more.

    Arcane Bot Command-List

    When you’ve installed your Arcane bot, it is possible to use all its functions with the help of the following commands.

    /avatar: Personal avatar for the user.

    “/dashboard”: Retrieve a hyperlink to the dashboard of your server.

    Help: Retrieve hyperlinks from multiple sources. E.g., the page and help server.

    Invite/invite: Add Arcane to another server

    Premium: Be aware of the advantages of a premium subscription.

    For more information about the present role of the server, visit http://serverinfo/ To receive an overview of the server.

    Stats: Find statistics about Arcane, including discord servers and users, commands, and many other stats

    Support: To access the Arcane Support server.

    Users can access the user’s information.

    The command /vote helps to obtain the voting link. This command can increase the experience by 10% over up to 12 hours.

    Are you sure Arcane is an excellent Discord bot?

    Arcane is an excellent, robust, flexible, and strong Discord bot. It comes with a range of options that include moderating, leveling customized commands, response roles as well as greeting messages. If you’re seeking a bot for your server, this is the perfect choice.


    To create levels of roles on Discord, the “Arcane” bot needs to invite the users to their servers. To do this, visit Arcane’s official website and invite the bot. After that, select your server and sign in to the bot to access the appropriate permissions. After that, you will be redirected to the Arcane dashboard. Select the server on which the message for leveling up will be displayed, as well as make sure to add the reward for your role. Once you have that done, start Discord. Once you have it running, launch the Discord application and broadcast an unicode message to any channel on the server. This tutorial explains how to set the level roles within Discord.

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